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Learn to Love the Ride  

Hello, NashWest Guys and Girls. Have you ever felt frustrated with a person who says they want to achieve something and then sporadically or never does anything to achieve the declared outcome? Are you that person? Why do we do that? 

You can’t achieve the outcome without loving the process. Ouch. That’s the truth. Think deeply about what you say you want. Do you want a beautiful romantic relationship? How about a healthy, trim figure? How about land or home ownership? Do you want to travel? Now, think about the process of achieving those things, the devotion, the time away from Netflix, the donuts and cookies left uneaten, the chances that you’ll need to take, the fact that half your closet will need to be available for your new love, and the fact that the silly Amazon purchases should probably be put towards a travel fund. 

Don’t say you want something without a good hard look at the price you will need to pay for that outcome. Fear not, friend. You have the best partner in the world to help you. God, the creator of the universe, declares that He’ll ride shotgun. Ask God to help you love the process.

He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.

Isaiah 40:29

Taylor Swift has a career that astounds me. She takes chances, works like a maniac and loves her fans fiercely. Living in Nashville, I get to hear behind the scenes stories about the big stars in music. Taylor has a lot of respect in Music City. She didn't just swipe on some red lipstick, have a few hits and expect to fill arenas. She began with the end in mind. She fell in love with the process. 

Why are you not doing what you say you want to do? Because you haven’t fallen in love with the process and guess what? That's OK. Maybe you need to change direction to something you feel authentically passionate about. I don't want to live at the gym, so I'm at peace with my curves. I'm not invited to brandings to rope. I'm invited to sing. I know my strengths.

Having said that, I'm going to issue a warning. Sometimes God has gives us a mission, we've claimed it and then we get mired down and stuck. Today is the day to turn up your collar, screw your hat down, tell ‘em to open the chute and give a mighty “Whoop!” to the number you’ve drawn. This is the ride that's taking you to where you say you want to be. Learn to love the ride, darlin'.

Peace, Love and Spurs..

Rock On, NashWest Guys and Girls!

Love, MK


Sending love to my sponsors…

Anita Crane Photography

Espana Silk Grooming Products

All Out Western Ranch Wear

Montana Rio Buckaroo Hats


Braids for Cole 

Hello, Nash West Besties. A young man has been in my thoughts. His name is Cole Brings Plenty, an actor, a proud member of the Mniucouju Lakota tribe and cousin to actor Mo Brings Plenty. He was reported missing and then found dead in Kansas last week. The indigenous led Rising Hearts organization started the “Braids for Cole” movement for Monday, April 8th. Supporters of this movement were encouraged to wear braids on that day. Braids are considered sacred in many Native American communities. 

Last year, at the prestigious Western Heritage Awards held in the beautiful ballroom of the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, Cole’s uncle Mo Brings Plenty gave a very stirring speech at the end of the evening in which he spoke about the hardships and joys of his reservation upbringing. Sitting next to me was my 78 year old mother, who grew up in poverty in Mexico. She made her way over to him after the program and with tears in her eyes she said, “I’m from Mexico. Your words meant so much to me.” Mo took time to talk to her and then asked me to take their picture. Very cool.

Western Heritage is so much more than cowboys and ranching. Thinking of my mother, Mo Brings Plenty and Cole, reminds me of the importance of leaning into the diversity of the American West and its courageous cast of characters and cultures. I feel very proud to be a presenter at this year's annual Western Heritage Awards and to see a wide swath of artists recognized, not by Hollywood, but on a red carpet honoring the maverick story-tellers of our generation.

We lost Cole Brings Plenty too soon. He was only 27 years old. A young man full of promise. Braids are also an important part of my Mexican culture as well and I’ll be wearing braids this weekend in support of the Braids for Cole movement. 

Be well, my friends. I’ll share pictures from Oklahoma City this weekend.

Peace, Love and Spurs..

Rock On, NashWest Guys and Girls!

Love, MK


Sending love to my sponsors…

Anita Crane Photography

Espana Silk Grooming Products

All Out Western Ranch Wear

Montana Rio Buckaroo Hats



Every Flower Must Grow Through Dirt  

Hello, NashWest Besties! Please read to the end for a limited edition merch offer!

Every flower must grow through dirt. They emerge in the Spring after the cold of Winter. They bloom where they are planted. For the full month of February, I celebrated my new single, Unbecoming, with images of flowers. I wanted to lean into the beauty and resilience of pushing up through the mud we’ve been under and the cold that has kept us down to become the flower in full bloom that God ordained us to be.

Matthew 6:28-33 King James Version (KJV) Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: and yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

There is a line in “Unbecoming” that speaks this truth, “Beauty lies in stripping back to who I really am.” No toiling. No spinning. Just let all the dirt that is not you fall away. Just let all the cold that has been keeping you down thaw in the Spring sun that the Son of God warms us with. 

Here’s a novel idea. Why don’t we stop comparing ourselves to others? The Lily can’t see the Rose on Instagram and think, “Oh, I’m not as beautiful.” The Daisy doesn't see the Iris bloom before she does and think, “Oh, it’s too late for me.” The Perennial Peony can’t look down on the Annual Alyssum and feel superior. 

To celebrate my new single, I’m offering a limited edition “Lyrics & Stickers Package” For $8 I’ll send to your mailbox a signed Lyric Card with the lyrics of “Unbecoming” along with 3 large, clear waterproof stickers of flowers with a download code for the new single, “Unbecoming.” My hope is that the card and the flower stickers will be a reminder to you of your beauty and worth as you welcome Spring! 


Gray Hair Journey 

Hello, NashWest Besties. In February, my new single, “Unbecoming” will be dropping on all streaming platforms. In harmony with the theme of this gorgeous song about letting loose of what no longer is serving you best, my blog post today is about the 3 year process of letting my hair grow out to its natural gray. 


Ya’ll, I was knocking on the door to 50 in 2018 and my hair was becoming almost black with all the boxed “Dark Ash Brown” color from Walmart that would have to be slathered on every 2 weeks to cover the emerging gray. Towels were ruined, pillow cases and bathroom counters stained with my attempts to thwart nature. My persistence in chemical coloring left my hair brittle and I had concerns about how this smelly potion was affecting my health.


I made the good decision to stop the madness and stop coloring quickly followed by the bad decision to make this private matter public by announcing it on social media. I guess I was thinking that I wouldn’t be able to chicken out if everyone knew what I was up to but instead, I added an extra layer of pressure which was needless. There were several nights that I would startle awake and think, “Damn! I could’ve  bought a few more brown hair years, but no, I had to announce my decline to silver decrepitude.”


Social pressure is the main reason women are leery of their own hair follicles. From the annoying hair on our legs, our arms, embarrassingly on our upper lip and other sundry private bits, hair is something we shave off, cut into trendy shapes, straighten, curl and color. No man must ever know we went through puberty or even worse, menopause. How dare we get older. How dare we give the impression that we’ve given up and let ourselves go. 


Making a decision to accept a natural part of yourself is not “letting yourself go.” That’s true for your emotions, your body weight and every other aspect of your life. Am I an “all natural” advocate? Big nope. I’m for you doing what makes you feel like you without apology. I’m for all of us, men and women alike, to joyfully live in a way that honors our dreams and goals independently of the opinions of others. 


My gray hair journey was supported by some dear friends which was appreciated because the first few months are the worst especially when you go from black hair to gray and even more so when you have long hair. There is a definite Bride of Frankenstein aesthetic happening. I found a special spray that painted my roots brown for about a year. I also found a talented friend to lighten the rest of my hair. Thank goodness that when I was on tour, I performed with one of my fabulous Montana Rio flat brim hats to act as a crown to disguise a multitude of bad hair days. 


Does gray hair make me look older? Yes. That’s just the truth. You’ll look older with gray hair. Do I get compliments everywhere I go about my hair color? Yes! Men and women of all ages remind me daily that my hair is kinda cool which is kinda nice. I had one young lady ask how I got my hair color. I said, “Lots of birthdays and God.” Healthy hair is such a lovely luxury. One of my sponsors is Espana Silk Hair and Grooming Products and I’m devoted to the versatility and integrity of these products. Google them. You’ll thank me.


I loved the 3 year transition from brown hair to gray. Those years took me from a very unhappy marriage to a very happy one. Those years took me, one inch at a time, from a place of meeting other people's expectations to finding what it is to authentically accept myself, flaws and all. Ya’ll, when you hear my new single, “Unbecoming”, you’ll understand why I knew this song was so special. I can hardly wait!!


Peace, Love and Spurs..

Rock On, NashWest Guys and Girls!


Love, MK


Sending love to my sponsors…

Anita Crane Photography

Espana Silk Grooming Products

All Out Western Ranch Wear

Montana Rio Buckaroo Hats





Stripping Back 

Hello, NashWest Besties. I have a brand new single that will be released near Valentine's Day 2024. The song is called “Unbecoming” and it’s different from anything you’ve ever heard from me before. I’m a little nervous but I’m also incredibly excited for this song to make its journey to your life and your heart.


One of the most powerful lyrics of the song is, “Beauty lies in stripping back to who I really am.” All of the merch and artwork for this single is centered on this truth. What does it mean to strip back to who we really are? Don’t think of the word “strip” as in “strip off the band-aid.” A more accurate image of the process of stripping back to who we really are is to think of yourself at the end of an incredibly busy day. You’re tired to the bone. You’ve fulfilled your responsibilities. You’ve fought the good fight. Now imagine the feeling of stripping off your work clothes. The boots pulled off, the jeans drop, next the sweaty shirt and best of all, those damp socks get tossed. Ahhhh! The best feeling ever.


With this feeling in mind, think about the word, “unbecoming” and how refreshing and valuable it is to have moments or even seasons of our life that we can take off the labels and roles we play like clothes being set aside at the end of the day. Shoes that once fit, like jobs we once loved, can become too tight or even painful. Sometimes we sadly realize that we never liked that dress and would prefer Q-Baby Wranglers. Our closet of life experiences should be filled with what we love, not what others think we should love.


We all know that section of our closet with the cute jeans that haven’t fit in years, the purse you love but know your friend will love even more and the shoes that were only cute 20 years ago. Our lives can become just as cluttered with regrets, toxic relationships and guilt over not doing or being enough. “Stripping back to who I really am” is to compassionately curate what we allow into our lives and into our space. 


“Unbecoming” is a song that I feel very proud to have recorded and to share with you on Valentine’s Day. Until that day, I look forward to sharing even more as we build up to this very special release day!


Peace, Love and Spurs..

Rock On, NashWest Guys and Girls!


Love, MK


Sending love to my sponsors…

Anita Crane Photography

Espana Silk Grooming Products

All Out Western Ranch Wear

Montana Rio Buckaroo Hats

Nice Girl Syndrome 

Dear NashWest Besties, When you say “yes” to others, make sure you are not saying “no” to yourself. If you’re like me, you have “Nice Girl Syndrome.” This mindset leads to smiling when you should be flipping someone off, saying “I’m sorry” when there’s nothing to be sorry for, and over-committing ourselves to be accepted and liked. 


You have permission to not smile all the time. You have permission to assertively say brilliant things without apology. You have permission to wear a stunning outfit. You have permission to not ask permission. You have permission to clearly ask for what you need without expecting your loved ones to guess what you need. You have permission to say “no”. 


My friend, Brian, once said that when we have a thought, we should let it run around the round pen a bit before we open the gate and say it. This is good advice. Thank you, Brian. This is especially  good advice to all of us overcoming “Nice Girl Syndrome”. Our conditioned, automatic “yes” response needs to buck and snort in the round pen a bit before being let out the gate. Our time and talent is worth taking time to carefully consider. 


Say “yes” to yourself, your mental and spiritual health. Say “yes” to resting and to going on a walk in the Fall leaves. Say “yes” to cleaning out your closet and making homemade chicken and dumpling soup. Say “yes” to all of the beautiful gifts that fill you up with joy.  


Peace, Love, Spurs

Rock On, Hippie Cowgirls!


…and NashWest Besties


Sending love to my sponsors…

Anita Crane Photography

Espana Silk Grooming Products

All Out Western Ranch Wear

Montana Rio Buckaroo Hats


Dear NashWest Besties, 


The difficulties you meet will resolve themselves as you advance. So, advance! You may have so many bumps in the road that your teeth rattle, but the only way over washboard gravel is to go over it as fast as you safely can. Have fun flying low and...advance! 


Gas up along the way with a good night’s rest in freshly washed sheets, a healthy meal and a phone call to a friend, then wake up the next day and advance! God is best able to give us a boost when we are already forwardly moving, so advance! 


You may feel like an unregistered, beat up ranch rig held together by twine and mud, but this is the vehicle you’ve got, darlin’, so climb in every day, grit your teeth and advance! Make the phone call, write the letter, raise the ruckus, be the Karen. 


Cash advance, apology in advance, advance on the enemy, get off your ass and advance! 


Peace, Love, Spurs

Rock On, Hippie Cowgirls!


…and NashWest Besties


Sending love to my sponsors…

Anita Crane Photography

Espana Silk Grooming Products

All Out Western Ranch Wear

Montana Rio Buckaroo Hats


Ding my Southern Belle  

Hello, NashWest Besties. I’ll always be a Hippie Cowgirl but am finding a need to pivot my posts to include my new life in Nashville which means you'll hear the ding of my Southern Belle every once in a while. Are ya’ll gonna be OK with that? I hope so, because a whole new world has opened up to me as an artist since making the move from Escalante, Utah to Nashville, Tennessee and I'm feeling my way forward. Here are some things that I want to share with you.

As many of you know, my husband, Gary Holt, is an award-winning radio host and he's roped me into co-hosting a show with him called, "Live From Nashville." I love it! We interview singer/songwriters and share interesting stories. Our show airs every Saturday at noon CST on

To my Utah friends and family...I have two big performances scheduled in Utah this Summer on May 27th in Escalante for Wild Potato Festival and July 15th in Salt Lake City for the Excellence Concert Series.

New items are added daily to my Ebay store, Nash West Threads. I have over 350 hand-picked pieces and more are added on the daily. Oh, how I love quality clothes and good deals! Feel free to shop my store anytime! 

Two of my best friends in Nashville are award-winning western singer/songwriters, Micki Fuhrman and Tecia McKenna. We are teaming up for some special performances as a girl super-group called Gone with the West. 

Gary and I are hosting our first NashWest Adventure on October 6,7 and 8th at Palo Duro Canyon in Texas for a horseback adventure and chuck wagon dinner and concert with me and Tecia McKenna. Space is limited to 18 people and deposits are due soon. This event is open to men, women and couples. No need to trailer your horse in. Los Cedros Ranch will be outfitting us. 

On a personal note, Gary and I love when friends reach out to us when they come to Nashville. We've been able to go out for coffee or host many of you at Birdsong where Sam and Milo are always ready for visitors. 

Peace, Love, Spurs

Rock On, Hippie Cowgirls!

…and Nash West Besties


Sending love to my sponsors…

Anita Crane Photography

Espana Silk Grooming Products

All Out Western Ranch Wear

Montana Rio Buckaroo Hats