You're Going to be OK 

Hello, Hippie Cowgirls. Are you experiencing heartache in your life right now? 


In the Winter of 2020, I had been served divorce papers on Valentines Day, I was about to host my first Girl Meets West Womens Retreat, there was a new virus called Covid and it was all so much that I couldn’t seem to get my heart to stop hurting.


I took care of a herd of seven horses, two of which were my mustangs, Lady and Bandit. The work truck heater was broken but if I got to the barn early enough the mud would be frozen enough to crunch over the top like the cracking of crème brûlée.


Horses are smart and curious which are traits that can get them into some very creative trouble. On this day, I didn’t have time for shenanigans. My eyes were almost swollen almost shut from crying and I had to get up the mountain to my other job.


Immediately I noticed that one of the 4x4 posts supporting the corrugated steel overhang had been backed into and busted by the backside of one of my big friends. 


That’s when I had my own come apart. Stomping, swearing, and shouting I decided that the only thing for the time I had was to do what all desperate horse women have had to do before me. I was going to half ass fix it.


Using a turned over water trough, some t posts and a t post pounder I continued to cuss as I pounded the t posts into a silly circle around the broken post. I figured if the overhang collapsed it would land on my t post Stonehenge. I finished my half assery with a length of yellow baling twine wrapped around the post and tied with a kind of bow. 


I felt like Scarlet O’Hara with each thunk of the driver. “With God as my witness (thunk) I’m gonna (thunk) make it through this (thunk).


It was a defining moment. I remember everything. The muddy audience of horses, my snotty cold nose, how good it felt to cuss so loud and long, the secret pride I felt in myself because I knew deep down I was going to be OK. 


Later that week, the women would arrive for the retreat. We laughed and cried together. We gave each other much needed encouragement and friendship. They are the OG Hippie Cowgirls and I love them bunches.


If you’re going through a hard time right now, here’s what we’re gonna do. I’m going to give a big hug if only in a literary way, you’re going to tie some yellow twine around your broken heart and you’re going to pound a little half ass circle of protection around yourself until you have the time and means to fix it better. You’re going to be OK.


Peace, Love & Spurs

Rock on, Hippie Cowgirls!


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